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Leadership Lessons from Life

Being a leadership coach, I wondered how I can spread the message to a vast section of people that leadership is just not a formal role assigned to people at work, but an opportunity for every individual to lead in our personal lives as well. It is a choice that we can exercise through simple situations and opportunity that life offers us daily. Having successfully offered The Leader in Y.O.U. program in 4 continents, I take the liberty to share real life scenarios and stories which has taught me a lot about leadership, close and up front. This is a first among many stories to follow. I hope it will encourage you to reflect on your own leadership roles and responsibilities. Please leave a comment if possible if it helps you on your personal leadership journey.

Victoria (pictured below) is my youngest daughter aged a little more than 4 years. On a bright summer day, we as a family decided to go for an outing. We stopped at a wayside restaurant for lunch. The following conversation took place between us.

Victoria: Dada, can I tell you something?

Me: Yes of-course, sweetheart

Victoria: You are my BFF

Me: What is BFF Victoria?

Victoria: You are my BEST FRIEND FOREVER

Me: Oh Yes Darling, I am your BFF (holding her tight in my arms)

Victoria: No one ever will be able to break our friendship. True?

Me: (with tears in my eyes) yes, you are so right dear!

I pondered a bit and realized that as a Father (a lead role), I will have to honor this conversation for the rest of my life. A huge responsibility! 

Personal Leadership Lesson: 

Most people are insecure, “give them confidence & assurance”

Dr. Owen Fernandes, MBA

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